Alcohol Business Simplified
Discover how Fintech’s solutions empower restaurants, bars, and businesses that sell alcohol with actionable data insights and automated payments to improve their beverage alcohol business.
Actionable Insights: Compliance
What is Fintech’s Actionable Insights Compliance Module?
Our Compliance Module is a data-enhanced solution that allows retailers to take the headache and time constraints out of beverage program management and better serve their consumers. With done-for-you, ready-made charts and analyses, the opportunity to change behaviors at program or location level leads to increased compliance rates, better vendor relationships, consistency among locations, and boosts in profitability.
Problems Our Compliance Module Solves:
Lack of Transparency
Retailers don’t always have access to up-to-date purchasing data for all their locations, leaving them in the dark when assessing compliance rates.
Time-Consuming Analysis
Even with access to up-to-date data, significant amounts of
time is required to assess compliance rates across multiple geographically dispersed locations.
Insufficient Ability to Optimize
Without knowledge of on-program product performance as well as off-program products being purchased, it’s hard for retailers to know which products they must prioritize and which ones to drop from their programs.
Dependency on Suppliers
Retailers are limited in their relationships with suppliers without comprehensive supplier spending metrics and compliance data.
Payment Solutions
Fintech is the leading provider of B2B solutions that simplify alcohol business processes. Over 200,000 clients rely on us to automate their back office so they can focus on what really matters – loyal customers, employees, and revenue growth.
For on or off-premise businesses that sell alcohol.
Our PaymentSource platform automates manual alcohol invoice payments, simplifies reconciliation, and streamlines accounting processes. Our platform also integrates with over 200 back-office systems, eliminating hours of manual data entry and delivering critical data insights needed to build a better alcohol business.
For on or off-premise businesses that sell alcohol.
OrderSource is an order processing system that helps retailers communicate beverage alcohol purchase orders (POs) to distributors electronically. You can send all your alcohol POs to your distributors one easy way, and in a single format – no more phone calls, emails, or faxes. OrderSource and PaymentSource work in conjunction to ensure a valid PO number is issued with your on-time payment.
Our diagram of OrderSource shows you the features available today in solid green and two other features still in development.
AP Automation
For any business needing digitized invoice automation.
Fintech is not just for alcohol anymore! Because we know your time is valuable, we created the AP Automation feature for our PaymentSource clients. We leverage OCR technology to digitize all your invoices to help further automate your accounts payable process, eliminate manual invoice data entry, and increase operational efficiency.