We Have Your Business Covered

PaymentSource® Pro

For bars, restaurants, hotels, convenience stores, grocery stores, and any other on-or-off-premise business selling alcohol.


Alcohol invoice payment automation and management to help businesses protect margins and save time.
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PaymentSource® Premium

For companies wanting to automate invoices, including all food & beverage or any other business-related services.

AP Automation

Invoice automation for all goods sold using OCR technology to digitize manual data entry.
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1 Out of Every 3 Retailers Nationwide Choose Fintech, Including:

Automate Alcohol Invoice Payments

PaymentSource Pro

Whether you operate a small to medium-sized business or a corporate franchise, PaymentSource will automate your manual alcohol invoice processes, giving you time to focus on taking care of your customers and growing profits.

PaymentSource will do the work for you by automating accounts payable processes and more:

  • Alcohol Distributor/Wholesaler Invoice Payments
  • Reporting On Price Change
  • Distributor Credit Requests
  • 200+ Back-office System Integrations
Alcohol Payments Invoice Automation

Affordable Solutions for All Businesses Selling Alcohol

Do you only need automated invoice payments without purchase data, portal access, or an integration with your back-office accounting system? Start the self-enrollment process for our no-cost, distributor autopay solution by clicking below.

The Latest from Fintech

This is the first post in a PaymentSource Premium series, exploring the business case for automating your accounts payable (AP) to manage all invoices, not just the alcohol ones, in one place. There is no getting away from it: technology has become vital to almost every aspect of

The highs and lows of seasonal hospitality business can spell trouble if not managed. Luckily, there are solutions to deal with seasonality.

As a restaurant operator, you need tight control over purchases, payments, stock levels, inventory usage, and cost of sales. This level of control is especially true with alcohol. Fintech and COGS-Well have integrated their applications to offer best-in-class solutions to restaurants for alcohol invoice payments, AP automation, inventory control,

Every business collects, stores, and analyzes data. Our customers receive many invoices daily, each containing vital data that informs accurate inventory counts and purchasing decisions to maintain margins. Businesses use tools like accounting or back-office systems to keep track of the constant influx of invoice data, but that