News Flask! News On Booze:
Which Oscar Movie Hopeful Should You See, Based on Your Favorite Drink?


The Oscars are approaching! Have you seen all of the Best Picture nominees? Let your drink be your guide to the Oscars! We’ve paired the Best Picture Nominees to your favorite drinks. Trust us, would we steer you wrong?



Scotch Whiskey drinker?

Order your Johnnie Walker and head to see “Darkest Hour”. It’s no secret Winston Churchill enjoyed a daily whiskey, so toast the old goat as you watch the movie based on his days as Prime Minister. According to the historian Richard Langworth, Churchill liked to promote the idea “he had a bottomless capacity” for alcohol. In fact, Churchill once famously said, “I have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me”. Sound like you? See “Darkest Hour”.



Red wine drinker? Maybe a Malbec?

Get tickets to “Phantom Thread” immediately. You’re deep, it’s deep, you’re mysterious and seductive, it stars the very ‘nuanced’ Daniel Day-Lewis, and the Malbec features a number of nuanced flavors (like chocolate, leather, tobacco, and even violets). Enough said, this is your film!

Love a white wine?

See “Lady Bird”. It’s fun, you’re fun. She’s a bit sarcastic and funny (okay, a lot sarcastic), and you might be, too, after a few glasses of your Sauvignon Blanc. Plus, it’s a movie that celebrates friendships–and who wants to drink white wine alone? It’s a party in a bottle. Of course, since it’s set in Sacramento, only a California white will do!

Bourbon is your drink of choice?

“Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri” is your movie. There are guns and Molotov cocktails; there’s revenge and cursing…everything a bourbon drinker needs for a thrilling night at the movies.



Are you typically the designated driver?

Or maybe you just prefer a glass of water over an alcoholic indulgence. No worries, we still have a movie for you. “The Shape of Water”, of course. Plenty of water to be seen here; however, imbibing a bit of alcohol may help you get through this surreal flick. A fish monster and a woman fall in love…actually, you may need a drink or two to make it all the way to the end of this one.

If Blue Point Brewing’s Hoptical Illusion or Hypnotiq Liquer is your drink of choice…

The thriller “Get Out” is for you. There are twists, turns, symbolic deer, freaky people hypnotizing kidnap victims…make sure you hold onto that drink tightly.

Love a bubbly glass of Italian Prosecco?

Head to the film set in Italy, “Call Me by Your Name”. The film is classy, just like you and your glass of fizzy wine; and a glass of Prosecco is nice to look at, just like Armie Hammer.

Have a taste for British beers?

If you reach for a New Castle Brown Ale or a Samuel Smith Stout, head to “Dunkirk”. This film will have you crying in your beer as the British civilians save their own soldiers…sniff. I’m not crying. You’re crying.

For classic martini drinkers…

“The Post” is the movie for you. Set in Washington, D.C., the movie tells the story of The Washington Post’s decision to publish the Pentagon Papers. According to Jim Hewes, the unofficial cocktail historian of our American presidents, martinis are a classic, American political drink. Many a president has bellied up to the bar and ordered one. Celebrate like the D.C. elite, drink your Martini and check out “The Post.”

No matter what your drink of choice is, we hope you’ll enjoy the Oscars this year! Let Fintech know your ‘hope’ for Best Picture!

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