Man holding tablet using automation.

This is the first post in a PaymentSource Premium series, exploring the business case for automating your accounts payable (AP) to manage all invoices, not just the alcohol ones, in one place.

There is no getting away from it: technology has become vital to almost every aspect of our lives. It has changed how we work, play, and connect with people and companies in ways that were unimaginable just a few decades ago.

Think about it. Whether you use your smartphone to communicate with family, friends, or coworkers from afar, stream your favorite shows or movies in supreme comfort, or get AI-powered Amazon product recommendations, technology has inevitably turned us into digital citizens.

Speaking of the digital world, nearly 94% of Americans today have Internet access, many of whom can’t imagine a life without it. In a similar pattern, 90% of Americans currently own a smartphone, a significant increase from 2011, when only 35% had one. Even more intriguing is that 22% of Americans engage with AI almost frequently or several times a day, according to a recent survey. This just goes to show how deeply ingrained technology has become in our daily lives.

Technology is pretty much everywhere, like seriously everywhere! But hold on, there’s a whole lot more to it. Thanks to the magic of automation, we can now streamline or straight up eliminate any pesky daily tasks that make our lives unnecessarily complicated. This means we get more time to focus on the things that bring us joy, lift our spirits, and take us to new and exciting places.

So, What is Automation Exactly?

Automation is the art of implementing a system that streamlines tasks usually done manually and repetitively, turning them into efficient, automated ones. Take a moment to observe your surroundings. Consider the everyday tasks you perform at home that have been simplified to meet the demands of your busy schedule. For you, time is a precious commodity, and unnecessary delays are simply not an option.

Automating Your Life to Focus on What Truly Matters

Here are key areas where automation makes your life easier.

Calendars and Reminders

As you wake up in the morning, your digital calendar comes alive on your phone, nudging you with timely, automated reminders of important tasks and upcoming appointments that await you throughout the day.

Home Devices

Your day becomes hassle-free with smart home automation. Your smart thermostat adjusts room temperature at specific times, Alexa handles important calls for you, and your coffee maker starts brewing on a timer. Clearly, automation has made your life more efficient like never before. 

Digital Communication

Did you know that 95% of the emails, texts, and notifications flooding your inbox each day are nothing but pointless noise? Fortunately, your email is equipped with settings that allow you to automatically filter out unnecessary clutter before you even have to give them a second thought.

Tasks on Autopilot

Automating repetitive tasks with minimal human effort is what automation does best. IFTTT (If This Then That), for example, offers a powerful interface for automating time-consuming tasks, from scheduling social media posts to controlling smart devices. With the ability to connect to numerous apps and devices, this technology brings a whole new level of peace of mind.


A recent survey found that more than 60% of Americans are actively working to reduce their paper usage. You may now find yourself scanning and sharing documents digitally with minimal effort, mindfully printing on both sides of the paper, and using your smartphone for taking quick notes.

Invoice Payments

Automation also adds a touch of convenience to your personal finances, just like you’ve always dreamed of. Now you can pay your bills online without having to arrange in-person appointments or make unnecessary trips to the bank to manage those payments. Banks now even offer an app to conveniently let you check your account activity, track spending, stay on top of your budget, and automate your payments.

Everyone is Taking Advantage of Automation

Now that we’ve explored how automation can simplify your daily tasks and keep you focused on the things that truly matter, it’s time to pinpoint what we can streamline and how to do it efficiently. Look around you and take note of all those difficult, monotonous, or time-consuming tasks that only add stress to your day.

Once you’ve identified those pain points, ask yourself:

  • How can I simplify these tasks?
  • How can I reduce the time spent on these activities?
  • Which tools can assist me in freeing up more time to focus on the things that truly bring me joy?

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